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Record & Review Proctoring

AI-Powered Remote Proctoring with Human Review

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Record & Review  Proctoring

Provide An Additional Layer of Validation to Your Assessments

1_Secondary camera for better candidate monitoring.

Secondary camera for better candidate monitoring.

2_Comprehensive Integrity Score to assess potential malpractices.

Comprehensive Integrity Score to assess potential malpractices.

Get assessment recordings reviewed by expert proctors.

Get assessment recordings reviewed by expert proctors.

Overview of Record & Review Proctoring Features

Secondary Camera for Better Monitoring

Secondary camera enhances the integrity of remote exams by providing a broader view of the candidate's surroundings, enabling swift detection of any potential malpractices.

Secondary Camera for Better Monitoring

Secondary Camera for Better Monitoring

Secondary camera enhances the integrity of remote exams by providing a broader view of the candidate's surroundings, enabling swift detection of any potential malpractices.

Secondary Camera for Better Monitoring

Authenticate Test Taker's Identity Before the Exam

Talview ensures candidate authenticity with advanced face-to-photo ID and voice matching. Our Automated Proctoring includes a confidence score and Two-Factor Authentication to prevent malpractice.

Authenticate Test Takers Identity Before the Exam

Authenticate Test Taker's Identity Before the Exam

Talview ensures candidate authenticity with advanced face-to-photo ID and voice matching. Our Automated Proctoring includes a confidence score and Two-Factor Authentication to prevent malpractice.

Authenticate Test Takers Identity Before the Exam

Comprehensive Integrity Score

Within 24 hours after the exam, a comprehensive integrity score is produced for every test taker, it provides insights into the degree of potential misconduct during the exam.

Comprehensive Integrity Score

Comprehensive Integrity Score

Within 24 hours after the exam, a comprehensive integrity score is produced for every test taker, it provides insights into the degree of potential misconduct during the exam.

Comprehensive Integrity Score

Review Exam Recordings for Better Results

Experience enhanced security with our AI-powered record and review proctoring, providing an additional layer of validation to your assessments. Our expert proctors meticulously review recordings, validating existing flags and flagging additional suspicious behavior if necessary.

Review Exam Recordings for Better Results

Review Exam Recordings for Better Results

Experience enhanced security with our AI-powered record and review proctoring, providing an additional layer of validation to your assessments. Our expert proctors meticulously review recordings, validating existing flags and flagging additional suspicious behavior if necessary.

Review Exam Recordings for Better Results

Plug-and-Play with Any Test Engine or LMS

Add proctoring capabilities to your LMS, test engine or enrollment tool with our plug and play capabilities. Our proctoring solution can be integrated with any application (such as Microsoft Teams), website session, LMS (e.g. Moodle, Canvas, Google Classroom), or test engine that requires proctoring.

Plug-and-Play with Any Test Engine or LMS

Plug-and-Play with Any Test Engine or LMS

Add proctoring capabilities to your LMS, test engine or enrollment tool with our plug and play capabilities. Our proctoring solution can be integrated with any application (such as Microsoft Teams), website session, LMS (e.g. Moodle, Canvas, Google Classroom), or test engine that requires proctoring.

Plug-and-Play with Any Test Engine or LMS

Popular features of Record & Review Proctoring

check iconLive Screen Recording

check iconMore Than 8 Critical Flags

check iconCustomized Branding

check iconSecure Online Tests

check iconExpert Proctor Review

check icon360° Environment Check

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Popular features of Record & Review Proctoring

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Talview Record and Review Proctoring?

Talview Record and Review Proctoring is a flexible, efficient proctoring solution where test-takers’ audio, video, and screen activity are recorded during the exam. Trained proctors then review the recordings post-exam to identify and report any irregularities or misconduct, ensuring the integrity of the testing process without the need for real-time monitoring.

How does Talview Record and Review Proctoring work?

The process involves several steps,

  • Test-takers are monitored through their webcam and microphone, with their screen activity also being recorded throughout the examination.

  • Upon completion of the exam, recordings are securely stored and queued for review.

  • Trained proctors analyze the recordings, looking for specific behaviors or anomalies that may indicate a breach of exam policies.

  • Incidents are flagged for further action by the institution or certification body.

What are the benefits of Talview Record and Review Proctoring?

  • Flexibility for test-takers to complete exams at a convenient time and location.

  • Scalability, allowing institutions to administer exams to large numbers of candidates simultaneously.

  • Cost-effectiveness by reducing the need for a large number of live proctors.

  • Detailed audit trails of each exam session for comprehensive review.

Is Talview Record and Review Proctoring secure?

Yes, Talview Record and Review Proctoring employs stringent security measures to protect the integrity of the exam and the privacy of test-takers. This includes secure encryption of all recorded data, strict access controls, and adherence to global data protection regulations.

How are privacy concerns addressed in Talview Record and Review Proctoring?

Privacy is a top priority. Test-takers are informed about what data will be recorded and how it will be used. Recordings are encrypted and stored securely, with access limited to authorized personnel only. All operations comply with relevant data protection laws to ensure test-taker privacy is respected and protected.

Can Talview Record and Review Proctoring detect all types of cheating?

While highly effective in identifying many forms of misconduct, like looking away from the screen, accessing unauthorized materials, or the presence of another person, no system is infallible. Combining AI analysis with human review enhances accuracy, providing a robust solution for maintaining exam integrity.

What happens if cheating is detected during the review process?

If cheating or rule violations are detected, the incidents are documented with evidence and reported to the relevant authorities within the institution or certification body. They then review the incidents and determine the appropriate action according to their policies.

How long does the review process take?

The review timeline can vary based on the length of the exam, the volume of exams being processed, and whether the review is conducted by human proctors or AI. Providers typically offer a turnaround time ranging from 24 to 48 hours for most exams.

Are there any technical requirements for Talview Record and Review Proctoring?

Test-takers will need a computer with a webcam and microphone, a stable internet connection, and potentially specific software or a secure browser provided by the proctoring service. Exact requirements will be communicated well in advance of the exam.

How do institutions implement Talview Record and Review Proctoring?

Implementation involves selecting a proctoring service provider, integrating their solution with the institution's examination platform, and setting up the exam parameters. Training materials and technical support are usually provided to ensure a smooth setup and operation for both exam administrators and test-takers.


Scale Up Your Exams with Talview's AI Powered Proctoring.

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